Where Humans Came to Be Begleitpublikation

Urgeschichtliches Museum Blaubeuren
Kirchplatz 10
89143 Blaubeuren
Dienstag bis Samstag 02 PM to 05 PM
Sonn- und Feiertage 10 AM to 05 PM
Monday closed

An Feiertagen, die auf einen Montag fallen, ist das Museum geöffnet. 24. bis 26. Dezember, Silvester, Neujahr und Karfreitag geschlossen.

Regulär 7 €
Kinder 7 bis 17 Jahre 3 €
Ermäßigt 5 €
Gruppen ab 12 P. 5 € p.P.
Schulklasse 2 € p.P.
Familie/Single-Familie 15 € / 9 €

Now you can enjoy the Museum for Prehistory of Blaubeuren (URMU) with Venus, Water Bird, and Co. at home on the sofa. In this book, the texts from the permanent exhibition have been summarized and supplemented. Together with images of the unique objects from the UNESCO World Heritage Caves, the result is a vivid picture of life and survival in the Ice Age landscape of the Ach and Lone Valleys, of the major development steps from the time of the Neanderthals to early modern humans, of the history of the origins of the earliest works of art and musical instruments and from the work of archaeologists.

Our exhibition in a book with a lot of pictures and deepening informations
2021, Softcover, 244 pages


Price14,90 €